Monday, January 28, 2013

define suspicious

What is a Suspicious Person?
Is a woman buying flowers, a get well card and $100 giftcard suspicious?
Or maybe a man with a 
young son buying 

2 $100 Toys R'us giftcards?
Could it be the couple buying $200 worth 
of groceries and 4 $50  gas cards? 
Or maybe just the guy who decided 
to buy 3 $100 giftcards?

What about the woman with 3 children and $150 worth of groceries and 6 $50 giftcards?

Who is a suspicious person in these scenarios? 
Can you pick them out?
Do you suspect someone because of their clothes? 
how they wear their hair? 
By the hat, or maybe by their race?

How do you explain why you suspect a person?

Define suspicious::
tending to cause or excite suspicion: Suspicious Behavior 

You can not judge a person by their looks or what they buy, but rather by how they act and Behave...

Define Behavior::
observable activity in a person or animal. 

So this tells me they must act, before I can observe any suspicious activity; like, maybe they ask to pay for each item separately. Maybe the first card doesn't work, but the second does. 

Long story short, 
At work I got in trouble because I asked a lady for her ID when she was buying 
2 $100 giftcards and paying with a credit card; she threw a fit! 
Since than I've been told to only look at IDs of Suspicious people. 
I asked what Suspicious looks like and they say, 
"You know, Suspicious!" and walk away. 
It just looks bad to ask for ID after he/she's swipe 2 cards and it works, but transaction #2 does not 
work. That's when I involved a manager and it's up to them to give the card, ask for ID, 
or keep the card and call the cops. 
It's not my job!

Either make a policy and keep it
or don't do anything,
But most importantly 
Don't Blame ME.
I'm just doing my job by what my managers say.

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